Friday, January 29, 2010

ChoiceTVSomali Improving the Image of Our Community! Somchat Review

Young Somalis Education Award

ChoiceTvSomali is a video project run by Nabiil and Dragoncut aimed at giving young people the opportunity to express themselves on issues relevant, and important, to them. 

The Full Episodes are 10 to 20 minute videos presented as a magazine style television show. They feature interviews, short films, music videos, vox pops, adverts, facts and opinions in a series of short pieces linked together by presenters. 

Issues addressed so far include Knife & Gun Crime, Consequences of Drug & Alcohol Use, Exclusion from Mainstream School, Bullying, Peer Pressure, Happy Slaps and Inter-Faith interaction to name a few. 

The Short Films section contains any short films made with the young people. Most of these are included in the full episodes, but are placed here for ease. This section will also contain any adverts made for a full episode, again for ease of access.

 The Music Videos section features music videos made both within episodes of ChoiceTVsomali or as seperate projects in their own right. Please have a look at the work the young people have produced, as not only is it entertaining and of a great standard, but what they have to say is important and relevant, and possibly not heard enough outside their own social circles.